Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 2011 Update

Thanks to my awesome friend Maggie (, I was able to get some awesome “School Pictures” of the boys this year, without buying the normal, boring ones from school. We got out into nature on a Saturday morning and took these great pictures…thanks to some great props! Thanks also to my friend Ana (or should I say Vega) for lending us her cute desk. Maggie even got a great picture of Jackson.

To update you on the last month or so, Hailey is now 3 ½ months old and I can’t believe how big she is getting already. She had a cold last weekend, so at our visit to the Dr. I learned that she now weighs 15 lbs. And to surprise us, this morning she rolled over all by herself! She’s my last little baby and I want her to stay little longer. Don’t grow up!!!

This is Hailey with her friend Abbi who was born 3 days after her. They have some "twin" clothes. Look how cute they are!
Jackson at the Zoo with his best friend "Monster" (aka Austin)

Jackson is now officially a “big boy” sleeping in his twin bed. He has also started sleeping in the playroom with his brothers for their “slumber parties” on the weekends. He’s growing up too! Jackson is all of a sudden a computer wiz. He will wake up in the morning, come downstairs, and instead of waking Rhett and I, will just find his way online to and play games. He’s so funny! Jackson just recently got over 6 days of being sick with a virus that caused his entire mouth to get covered in little blisters. It was so sad to see how much pain he was in. Unfortunately because it was a virus, there was no medicine we could give. He just had to suffer through it. We made sure he had Tylenol & Ibuprofen every few hours to try to help with the pain. He hardly ate anything, and just cried for days. Sooooo NOT fun! Oh, and to top it off, he also had 2 ear infections along with it. Luckily he could get meds for that part!
Jackson loves his baby sister so much. Here's a picture of them watching TV together, holding hands.

Carson-lost his 2nd tooth on 10/10/11 thanks to the help of Mom. The “tooth fairy” brought him a Gold Dollar coin.

Carson loves Kindergarten & was chosen to have the class mascot home with him last weekend. “Wally” the killer whale (Mrs. White’s Whales) spent the weekend hanging out, going to church, and visiting the San Antonio Zoo on Columbus Day with us. What a crazy outing that was….3 moms with a combined total of 14 kids!!!…and a whale.


Logan is keeping busy drawing, building with Legos, and learning. Last week his G/T (gifted/talented) class was learning about Biomimicry. Just do what I did and Google it! It’s where things are built or designed to mimic things in nature. Logan’s examples he took to school were: Burrs = Velcro, and Shark = Swimsuit. A man studied burrs that had stuck to his dog, and designed Velcro after them. And the Speedo swimsuits used by swimmers like Michael Phelps are designed after sharkskin to disrupt slow water eddies making the water pass by faster. So, there’s your science lesson for the day!


Austin is enjoying middle school immensely. He decided to join UIL (University Interscholastic League) this year, which is an extracurricular academic contest. They study a few times per week to practice certain topics, then go to academic “meets” to take tests on that topic to see which school wins. Austin signed up for Dictionary skills, Spelling, Calculator apps and Maps/charts/graphs. He’s also keeping busy with 11-yr old scouts, and is enjoying being a Boy Scout, not a Cub any longer.

I have been busy catching up on some scrap booking lately. I always like to have a project to do during General Conference, and I ended up getting a lot accomplished. I’m still much further behind than I’d like to be, but I’m getting there! I recently got a request from a friend for 600 cards (500 birthday and 100 thank you), so that will keep me busy over the next little while. I recently hosted a baby shower for a friend of mine who is having her first girl. I was able to give her lots of clothes that Hailey has already outgrown. Mine was the gift bag that kept on giving, and giving, and giving…. I also started a re-organizing project in my office, which is overflowing with papers. That project is taking awhile… Add all that to my busy calling as Relief Society Secretary, homework with the kids and just being a mom…and by the end of the day, I’m wiped out!

Rhett has been diligently looking for work again. Since deciding to stop doing management with his current job, he now has the time that he could work a full time job again, and still sell life insurance in the evenings and on weekends. We are praying that he finds a great job (with great benefits) very quickly!!! It has been nice to have Rhett around more lately, especially because we have been going to the temple together weekly. It’s been a long time since we were able to do that! We are truly enjoying being in the House of the Lord. What a beautiful building it is!

Well, again that’s about all for this time. We love & miss you all…our doors are always open when you want to visit our beautiful city of San Antonio!

Love –
Rhett, Maren, Austin, Logan, Carson, Jackson & Hailey

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