Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 2011 Update

It’s a GIRL!!!! Yes, we’ll officially be welcoming a baby girl into our family this June. Soooooo exciting for us…even the boys are excited when I buy cute “girly” stuff for her. They have been wanting a sister for a long time, especially Austin. Well, their wish will be granted. Heavenly Father saw fit to send us a long-awaited girl to complete our family. I am officially due July 6th, but we are planning a scheduled C-section for June 24th. Yay for us!!!

As of March 1st, Rhett has now been with American Income Life for 1 year! Here’s hoping for a much more prosperous one to come!!!

Last month I learned that my Primary Secretary had been called to be the Stake Primary Secretary. So, eventually I’ll be losing her. Then I just found out that my 2nd counselor will be moving ASAP. I don’t know if I can handle all this stress!!! I know somehow it will all work out, but it’s the getting there that’s hard to deal with. Good luck to Cortney in her new adventures!

Austin recently finished a big 5th grade project called “Living Museum”. All the 5th graders had to choose a historical person and portray them. He chose Orville Wright (of the Wright Bros.) and had fun learning about the invention of the airplanes. They each had to research their person, make a webpage about them, then the big event was a live “museum” in the cafeteria where they stood around the room and parents/students wandered through listening to their speech telling about themselves. He even had to dress up like Orville. Here’s Austin on the day of the “Living Museum”.
Austin as Orville Wright

On February 1st Austin was also in his last PTA program of Elementary School, as he’ll be moving on to Middle School next year. The P.E. teachers had been working with all the 5th grade classes to come up with dance or exercise routines. Lucky for Austin, the boys in his class and another were chosen to do a “basketball routine” (basketball is his all time favorite thing to do). The routine was performed for all the parents & families. Way to go Austin!

We’ve still struggled at the beginning of this year with illness. After the Bronchitis went away, we have had to deal with ¾ of the boys having the flu, 2 ear infections, and a very unpleasant virus that Jackson had, which included his gums, tongue & throat covered with small “ulcers” or blisters. Let me say that those were a few LONG days of no fun with a baby who’s mouth hurt & wouldn’t eat or drink much. He also had an ear infection at the same time, so he was definitely NOT a happy camper! Knock on wood, but everyone is healthy and well now. We hope it stays that way!

Something fun that Carson, Jackson & I did on February 18th was go to “dollar days” at the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo. We were there with several other moms & kids and had a great time. The boys LOVED the petting zoo and carousel especially. I thought Jackson might be afraid of the animals in the petting zoo because they were so close, but he loved every minute of it….even when a deer kept trying to eat his shirt!
Carson on the John Deere. Grandpa Stewart would be proud!!!

Carson on the carousel

Jackson on the carousel

Jackson's shirt getting "eaten" by a deer

Carson petting a baby Pot Bellied Pig

Jackson & Carson with the sheep & goats

Jackson & Carson petting a pig

We are enjoying our “Texas Springtime” now with cool nights and days in the 70’s and 80’s. Park days have returned and we are loving this time of year. I continue to swap kids 2 days a week, which gives me some much needed Mommy time.
Carson & Logan "hanging out" at the park

I am getting into project mode. There are many changes that will be made in our household getting ready for our new baby. Austin will be moving into his own room (guest room), Carson will be moving in with Logan, and of course we have to get Jackson’s room ready for Hailey to join him! I have many projects planned…I just hope that I have the energy to get them completed. Here is a list of items I need to start on….

Paint Austin’s room (I’m making him a Spurs room)
Paint Jackson/Hailey’s room
Sand & Paint 3 dressers
Repaint the crib & changing table
Repaint Carson’s current, soon-to-be Jackson’s bed

Those are just the main projects, which unfortunately also include removing everything from the closets to paint, and then reorganizing them. Our guest room closet is where I’ve been storing all my extra craft materials, wrapping paper, and random other things. Now I have to find a new place for all that so that Austin can have a closet! There are also several little sewing/craft projects that need to get completed before she is born. Good thing I have all the time in the world to get them complete…..right???

Our “puppy” Shelby (4+ months) is now the same size as our other dog Addie. She’s going to be a big girl! It’s amazing to see how big she’s getting so fast. I keep having to loosen her collar every couple of weeks. She’s as fun as ever, but still in puppy mode and likes to bite & chew on anything that is within reach, including any body part or clothing that happens to be close by. Going out in the backyard is definitely a new experience! We need to get her into the vet for shots and spaying ASAP! Our other dog Addie is “in the doghouse” if you’ll excuse the pun. She has been escaping out of our yard ever since moving in almost 2 years ago. Just when we thought we had fixed the fence or covered up any area for digging, she finds another way. In getting another dog we though that would solve the problem, since she’d have a friend to play with. Not so. Now, she just gets out and Shelby follows her. In the last month we have had countless people calling about them, or stopping by bringing them home (lucky they have tags!). The last straw however was one night at 3:00am when we got a call from a bar down around the corner from us. They were just closing up and our dogs wanted to join them I guess. When Rhett got back w/them he didn’t chain Addie up, so when I checked about ½ hour later, sure enough, she was gone again. Driving around the neighborhood at 3:30am is not my idea of fun. Needless to say she has been chained to our patio post since then. She can get to food, water, doghouse, blanket, shade, sun, grass, dirt or cement. She has quite the luxurious “prison cell” I must say. Anyway, neither dog has gotten out since then!
Austin with Addie & a very dirty Shelby

Well, I guess that’s all for this month. Again we miss you all & love hearing from all of you. We hope you have a great March!!!

Rhett, Maren, Austin, Logan, Carson, Jackson & soon-to-be Baby Hailey

1 comment:

The Austin's said...

Maren, I am so so happy for you that you are finally getting your little girl. YEAH!!! I so wish I lived closer so I could help you with all your painting projects. I love to paint. Take care of yourself and that sweet growing baby. When is your due date again?